Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dana Hatchett- Artist Statement

Artist Statement

For my project, I wanted to make something that had a narrative to it. I wanted the narration of the sounds in this piece to guide the listener throughout the story. At the beginning of the sound, you hear birds chirping. I wanted to make it seem like time was progressing in a way when you hear birds chirping in the morning. Then I wanted to provide sounds that were a bit unsettling to change the direction of the story. As the story progresses, the sounds get a bit more disturbing which is the goal that I wanted to achieve. The sounds of the wind chimes and the Native Americans are used as a warning sign that something is going to happen. 

My plan was to add anticipation and mystery. Whispering plays a part to add to the creepiness of the sound. I wanted things to go from normal to creepy. At the end, there is a sound of a saw and signal is lost. I guess the ending can be viewed as abstract by anyone who listens to it and they can make their own judgement. The sounds that I recorded were the birds singing, the thumb snaps, the Native American voices, the tapping on the glass, knocking on the door, and the water faucet. The sounds that I got from the internet were the chimes, the murmuring, the vibration sound, the loss of signal, the clanking, and the winter sound.


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