Friday, October 30, 2015

In-class "Chance" exercise with partner - Crystal Giraldo

partnered with Vanessa

Our rules: read an upbeat/fun article and replace every letter "c" with a cat noise (slow down speed of cat noises towards the end) and add creepy background music.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

In-Class Listening Exercise - Hattie Mallot

The Seven Heads of Gog Magog by EF Bausor

In-class Exercise Can you see What I Hear? - Dana Hatchett

I listened to Liz Phillips. Her work was beautiful yet a bit eerie.

classExercise_Can you See What I hear-CM

Inspired on Tracie Morris.
Yes, ME drawing...

"Can you see what I hear?" Exercise - Crystal Giraldo

"Lowlands" by Susan Philipsz

In-Class Exercise: Rebecca Shalloway

Kenneth Kirschner
"NOVEMBER 1, 2013 (33:34)"

In-class Exercise Can You See What I Hear 10/29 | Week 10


Laurie Anderson -

For the first 3-4 minutes of the video, Laurie was speaking in a foreign language. In my mind, I kept imagining the sound waves she was creating so I started drawing them from let to right, kept the line continuous and when I didn't have enough space on the first row I started from right to left for the second one. After she was done speaking, the beat and instruments started playing. I switched to a green color pencil after that and she kept repeating the words 'Ah' and 'Hello'. Throughout the rest of the video, the word 'Ah' kept repeating so I alternated the colors and started to just write the word down and overlap them. I seemed to only focus on the background noise instead of her singing (which surprised me when she spoke English..). I added the blue and red curly waves (seen on the bottom left) towards the end because the music felt soft like a small wave.

Project 3 Soundboard Reflection - Hattie Mallot

I still think I want my project to be about the distortion of time. I'm thinking I will do that through the addition and subtraction of sounds at different intervals. I'm thinking about having some dialogue at the end where the person's roommate comes in and they have a short conversation. Or maybe I'll have some kind of tone that plays while the person sleeps or something. I still need to think about the arc/timeline of my sounds, but I like my idea...

Project 3 Reflection | Week 10

Coming to class, I still didn't have a solid idea of what I wanted my project to be about. However, after showing my classmates the audio I collected, they steered me into the right direction. I decided that I want my project to be about someone walking down a hall and opening multiple doors. Each door would have different sounds coming from them, and as this person walks closer to the door I'll have that audio slowly get higher until the door opens. Some doors I won't even open, just walk past or knock on them. I still haven't decided on how I want to end the audio, whether just having the person walk inside a room and slam the door or have something surprising happen.

Reflection: project 3

The feedback I got about the third project was really helpful. I would go about interpreting the sounds I hear abstractly and really should focus on creating a space through sound. I need to re-record most of the sounds and it was suggested that I use some of the sounds of clicking and typing from the internet since it will be more crisp.


For now, I'm going to stick with my first idea. I will try to make it funny and record my own sounds

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


This is the link for my sound:

These are the rule (made using Xcode):
//  main.cpp
//  random
//  Created by Martinez,Cesar E on 10/27/15.
//  Copyright (c) 2015 Martinez,Cesar E. All rights reserved.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // insert code here...
    int val;
    int stuff = rand() % 50 + 1;
    int stuff2 = rand() %50 + 1;
    cout << "Pick any number" << endl;
    cin >> val;
    if ((val+stuff)%2) {
        cout << "download a nature sound" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "record your own sound" << endl;
    if (stuff2 > 15) {
        cout << "add an effect to the sound" << endl;
        cout << "make sound overlap with the previous one" << endl;

    return 0;


What this will do is generate some numbers at random and, together with the number picked, will execute an arithmetic operation that, according to the result, will tell you what to do

Instructions - Hattie Mallot

Instructions :

1.     On the TV Tropes home page (link here), click the “Random Trope” button. It is next to the page's search bar at the top of the page, designated by a pair of dice and the word "trope".

2.     Once you’ve done that, record yourself reading the first paragraph on whatever page it sends you to in Audacity.

3.     Next, go to the Prelinger Archives (link here) and enter the first word from the title of the article you just read into the search bar in the Music, Arts & Culture section of the Audio Archives.

4.     Find the first result and download it onto the desktop.

5.     Insert it into Audacity, and edit it so that it plays along with your reading. Try to make it so that if your music has words in it, your reading is louder. Hint: if your reading is too short, you can intersperse the music so that it plays quietly in the background, and have it resurface in breaks during your reading.

Here is an example by me:

In-Class Exercise, Week 10: Rebecca Shalloway

1. 3 seconds into the piece scream
2. 5 seconds from the first scream, scream again
3. 7 seconds from the second scream, scream again
4. 9 seconds from the third scream, scream again
5. Hum four times throughout the piece
6. Say your name really slow in the piece so that it lasts the entire duration
7. Translate your favorite color into sound
8. Say the chorus to your favorite song backwards
Pick the 14th song
11. Check the current time (What time is it right now?). Whatever the last number is say a sentence that has whatever number words.

Ex: it is 8:42 right now. So I would put in my piece a two worded sentence such as "Hello, friend"

My Example:

With Alex's Rules:

In-Class Exercise 10/27 | Week 10

My Rule: 

Skip every word that contains the letter 'C', and add a cat noise instead.

Crystal's Rule: 

Read something positive and add a creepy noise and slow the sound towards the end.

I read a chocolate chip cookie recipe.

In Class Exercise 10/27 Alex SP

Random Sound Project
2. Record yourself reading the paragraph.
3. Repeat until recording exceeds 1 minute.
4. Modify your recording by changing the pitch, however you do is up to you.
5. Enjoy your incoherent nonsense!

10-15 Sound(s) Assignment - Crystal Giraldo

It seems as if almost every day this semester I experience a rushed morning. For project 3 I want to create a soundscape of the different noises that I make when I'm trying to wake up and be out the door in just a few minutes. Most of the sounds in this clip were my own recordings; the only ones that aren't are the sound of the light switching in the beginning and the slow background bluesy music. For the final project I definitely want to create something more exciting and fast paced, maybe even a little musical.

Project 3 Collection of 10-15 Sounds | Week 10

Playlist of recorded audio:

Playlist of downloaded audio:


squeaky door:

Collection of Sounds: Rebecca Shalloway (Studio)

In this piece I have a number of sounds. The beginning is lout because going into the studio you can be overwhelmed with the amount of work to do. Then once you sit you start to focus on your project and soon, even though you are in the same room as 15 other people, you feel as though you are by yourself because you lose yourself in the project.

The sounds that I used:
Printer printing
Chair Scooting
Backpack Zipping
Pen Writing
Pencil Writing
Typing on keyboard
Cough/Clear throat
Clicking on the mouse
Door Opening
Code to acces door clicking
lecture in the background
conversation in the background
Laughing (casual)
Space sounds
Small Conversations
Dropping Scissors in my mug of utencils

Project 3 Sounds- Dana Hatchett

I am thinking about making this project about sounds you could possibly hear during the day.

This link displays songs that I downloaded from internet:

This link displays sounds that I recorded:

Collection of Sounds for Project 3 - Hattie Mallot

My idea is for a soundscape in the day of a sick person.

Here is a playlist of my recorded sounds:


And here is a playlist of my downloaded sounds:



These are the downloaded sounds:

These are the recorded sounds:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

In-Class Exercise with Cesar Martinez | Week 9


Annoying sounds: rubbing mic on laptop case, tapping mic against the desk
Nice sounds: whistle, running water from water fountain


Annoying sounds and nice sounds were ringtones on his phone that he liked or thought were annoying.

In Class Exercise 2: Rebecca Shalloway and Kane Hambrick

In class Exercise: Rebecca Shalloway

Audacity class exercise_ 10-22-15

This is the link:
PS: Do not hear it at night...

In class audio exercise #2

Sound Exercise In-Class- Dana Hatchett

In-Class Exercise with 4 sounds | Week 9

Sounds were all found on

Project 3: Rebecca Shalloway

For my sound project I want to capture sounds that I don't usually observer or pay attention to but are in my daily routine.  I hope from this project to be more aware of my environment. Although my first project was about my work space, I do spend a majority of my time in the studio and want to, for this project, capture the sounds. The typing on the keyboard, the clicking of the mouse, teh buzzing of the headphones that are next to me all fascinate me. It is a a focused and productive space. I would like to challenge myself by translating that focus into sound.

Project 3 Brainstorming - Hattie Mallot

I really don't know what I want my project to be yet...I think it would be cool to have a narrative made entirely with sound, without dialogue. I don't know what I would want that to be, but right now I think I would want to get my sounds from where someone works. The two sounds I have recorded right now are the sounds of myself typing, and the sound of an elevator moving.



Sound HW #1/ Project 3 Ideas - Crystal Giraldo

I still don't have a solid idea about what I want to do for this third project, but I think I want to create a sort of narrative from a certain part of my day. Like maybe the sounds of a really rushed morning; when I wake up late and have to be out of bed and out the door in less than 5 minutes. Or maybe the sounds of me taking things out of my locker and setting things up before my painting class.
For this homework assignment, I combined the sounds of my keys being picked up and dropped on a table and the sounds of me shaking my vitamin bottle.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Audio File - Hattie Mallot

In class Exercise (Audacity) Alex SP

In-Class Audacity Exercise | Week 9

Audacity exercise - Crystal Giraldo

In Class Exercise 2: Rebecca Shalloway, Soundcloud

Link to Lorem Ipsum:

Audacity Exercise- Dana Hatchett



Project 2 Reflection- Dana Hatchett

The feedback that I got in Project 2 was very helpful in terms of how I could improve and I appreciated that everyone had to say. I really enjoyed making this project because I really wanted to challenge myself with the lighting and set that the project was shot. I now know what I need to work on. I think a common theme of the critiques so far  is making sure that my idea comes across the screen like I want it to. Sometimes others can get lost in translation when they are watching what I projects. So I think I still need to work on presenting my ideas in a more understandable way in which everyone can understand. I enjoyed the process and learned a lot.

In class exercise, analyzing audio - Crystal Giraldo

The piece I chose to analyze for this exercise was "Pulse Demon" by Mertz Bow. It is definitely a bizarre combination of continuous creepy, loud, unsettling noises. The different sounds I heard were; static screeching, that noise when you're flipping through radio stations on an old school radio and some sort of small, engine-ran machinery in the background picking up speed or strength, like a motorcycle. If I were to randomly hear this at some point in my day, without understanding its content, I would characterize this as noise pollution. It isn't very pleasant or enjoyable to listen to, at all. Content and the artists' intent is crucial when it comes to trying to understand this piece and I would have to do more research to get a better grasp of what that is. It isn't music in my opinion but it might be art depending on what the artist intended it to be, because it definitely evokes a response from its audience. It would probably do well as a sound effect in a horror, suspense, and/or apocalyptic movie.    

In-Class Listening Exercise | Week 9

    John Cage Imaginary Landscape No. 1
    • What particular noises vs. sounds can you detect in the piece? List as many as you can.
    1. symbols
    2. gongs
    3. plucking of a stringed instrument
    4. high pitched hum (from a computer?)
    5. drill (reminded me of being in a chair at the dentist's office waiting for a cleaning)
    6. vibrations (like a cell phone ringing on a table)
    7. beeping from a machine (reminds me of someone in a hospital)    
    • What is the effect of noise on the your understanding of the content of the piece? How would you characterize the work and why? Does it function as art, music, or as an environment/space?
    It was frustrating for me to listen to the sounds of the instruments used here because I could not pin point some of the exact instrument being used. I was just familiar with the actual noises they produced and felt like I have heard them before. The piece was repetitive, especially with the gongs/symbols being played over. As I was listening to the piece, I kept picturing the noises in my head, which distracted me from the actual audio whenever I was stuck on a noise I could not figure out.
    I would characterize this work more as an art piece than as music. However, I can see this being used as music for a soundtrack to a scary film. Today, society defines music as a noise that have meaning; a rhythmic beat you can dance to or sing along to. At first I did not identify this piece as music. The second time listening to it changed my perspective. While listening to the piece, it made me feel like I was isolated or dropped off in the middle of a creepy room. I kept visioning this sound being used in a scary part of a movie (especially when a character is walking around in the dark lost and alone).

    In-Class Assignment - Hattie Mallot

    I listened to "Pulse Demon"by Mertz Bow. It sounds like the entire piece is sound rather than what would be considered music, since there is no melody. However, I would argue that the piece has a sense of suspense similar to music. It also has repetition and rhythm that makes the listener ok with continuing to listen. It really sounds like TV static and other electronic distress signals. At other times it sounds like there are car engines running or people running with wet shoes.This piece is actually pretty distressing to listen makes my ears hurt, and I want to stop listening to it. It feels really fast paced. I would characterize this as art, because I think it's meant to make the listener feel a certain way, to evoke a certain reaction.


    Cartoon Network Teenage Mutant Titans,Teen Titans Go!

    -Mixture of noise and sound. Sometimes sound at the front and noise at the back. Time, as one sound or noise has a beginning and an end. Jumps in time. Fantasy. Technology.
    -People talking at the same time, cellphone ring, breaking dish, childish melody, liquid flow, roaring, high pitches in voice, hospital, special effects, banjo sound (like a rodeo), bull sound, stomping.
    -I think noise is part of background music and special effects in this show. I think this functions as environment/space, because it gives the sense of a specific place in which different characters interact with each other (because of the different voices heard). It also has a narrative. Contemporary artwork.

    In Class Listening - Alex SP

    Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis

    The sounds being used are orchestral, mostly stringed instruments and bells. What Xenakis is experimenting with is changing over time, but the piece creates tension, and it is difficult to anticipate what is coming next. The overall pitch rises and falls, and sustained pitches are common. He also uses pizzicato, providing the plucking sounds. It feels chaotic as a nontraditional musical piece, as a result it creates tension, along with the sliding rises and falls at the beginning and end. I would characterize the work as art, because it uses contemporary musical instruments/sounds, as well as music, because it is experimenting with musical theory.

    Dana Hatchett- In-class Activity Sound

    The work that I chose to analyze was Metastasis by Iannis Xenakis. This work was definitely unique sounding. It sounded like it could be used as music for a scary movie at some parts. But one of the things that was unique to this piece was that each verse ( I am not a musician so I don't know if that's the right word) sounded different from each other. It sounded as if there were multiple different rhythm captured for this piece.  You could hear the sound of a train honking, and a train moving and little clicks in the background. The sound of I think a violin is definitely present which makes me think of music. Some of it was eerie and unsettling. There was definitely some crescendos used to build anticipation which added to the unsettling effect.  Sound to me is anything that projects frequency. This piece has many different noises intertwined with the violin. It sounded as if there was a horn like maybe a tuba being used. I would characterize this work as music to some extent. I think that some parts of the piece, especially the song could be used in a film. It is definitely art because I think this piece can have many different interpretations when it comes to the meaning of it. 

    In Class Exercise: Rebecca Shalloway

    Erin Rebecca Shalloway
    Response to Duke Ellington Take the A Train

    The work, although it is a musical piece, uses sonically strong elements from a Train. The piece enters with a slow rise in volume, similarly to a train approaching. Then the trombones play in unison as if a horn would on a train. The trombones climax to a screeching high pitch that are reminiscent of a train passing by. Tension is evoked by the increase in pitch and volume. The tempo of the piece is at the same pace of train a chugging on a track. The percussion and bass intrsuments develop the beat that is continuous throughout the piece, a chug. In the beginning the piece was heard of as sound because it was unpleasant to listen too. Then with the repetition of certain elements, the chugging of the drums, it was transformed into music. In addition, the female who sings in the piece turns the work into a song. What makes it a song is that I can sing along to it. The organized sounds, reminiscent of a train, in the end, create a musical piece inspired by a train. 

    Project 2 Reflection - Hattie Mallot

    I'm glad people liked my project despite the issues with focus and direction. I thought the feedback I got was really useful, and I would definitely take advantage of it if I were to revise this project. I would add more footage of my roommates for sure, and make sure that my footage got full images of peoples instead of obscuring them. When I was filming, I often forgot that I could treat my living room as a set, so I didn't really experiment to the full extent I could have.

    Project 2 Reflection-Rebecca Shalloway_Kitchen

    The feedback I got from everyone at the critique was really helpful. I was torn between two concepts within my piece. The first was the idea of placing objects in unusual places. The second was about creating beautifully pictured scenes. It was suggested to pick one and continue the shots the were in the beginning of the video.

    Project 2 Reflection | Week 8

    I was happy with the feedback I received during our critique for project 2. Here is a list of things that I would want to change/experiment with in my project:
    - Take out the slow motion in the beginning
    - Get more clips of close-ups of my actress, this will help bring more diversity instead of having a lot of full body shots of her
    - In the end where she is seen being dragged away hold the empty frame a little longer
    With Art Bash coming up, I'm really hoping I'm able to tweak this project a bit before I share it with others.

    Project 2 Critique Reflection - Crystal Giraldo

    I enjoyed doing this project a lot more than I expected to and I feel as though it was well received by the class. One of the main critiques I received was that some of my shots were out of focus. Which is something I noticed when I first did the rough draft and although I did improve the focus when I re-shot my scenes, it was still a little difficult because I was filming myself. The other feedback I got was that that I could have been a bit more exaggerated with the scene where I'm putting sugar in my coffee so that my message could have come across more clear and that the timing between certain shots could have been better executed. These are good ideas I'll definitely be on the look out for in the upcoming projects.

    Project 2 Reflection - Alex SP

    I'm really happy with the criticism I received for my project during critique. I feel that there were very good suggestions about what I could do to improve the quality of my piece, especially working on the focus in my shots and playing with the timing in editing. I was honestly nervous about presenting this project, and I'm glad it got my message across more effectively than I expected.


    I liked all the comments I got during critique. I still do not understand why I got those comments, but I am glad that people enjoyed my video. I also got similar comments from my digital imaging class, even from the professor! I am also happy about the fact that I did better on this project than the first one. This time, I was able to capture the attention of the audience.
    I will have to use the digital camera from FAC more often to get used to the focus and zoom.

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    6x6 Project ASP

    6'x6' Project Artist Statement - Hattie Mallot

              “Home is…”
    Project 2 Artist’s Statement
    Hattie Mallot

    Originally, I'd wanted to do a piece about the amount of space in a living room throughout the day, where the living room is empty in the day, but as the residents come home, gradually gets fuller until they go to sleep, when it is empty once again. However, as I was filming, I realized that the emptiness or fullness of a home depends on the perception of the resident. Even if everyone who lives there is home, the house can still feel empty. For anyone who's hosted their friends at their house, it's the feeling you get once your guests leave after having a good time. In this film, rather than a progression throughout the day, as I’d originally intended, we have the dichotomy of day and night.

    In this film, time passes quickly as the residents are home watching TV together. The lighting is washed out. Once the residents invite friends over, the lighting is warm, and time seems to slow down. The shots that once swept across the living room lazily are now closer and more friendly. We see the way people fidget, lost in a conversation with their friends. As the evening draws to a close, the residents and their guests get sleepy, and time seems to stop. The night becomes dark after everyone leaves, leaving one person asleep on the couch. Time passes rapidly, and suddenly reality comes back in a hurry, along with the daylight.

    Project 2–Rebecca Shalloway "Kitchen"

    Project 2: "Kitchen:
    E. Rebecca Shalloway


    "Kitchen" is a short 2 minute video highlighting the space that is used, processed and manipulated. Like a toolbox, it's a storage space for food and food related objects. It's a workbench. No one eats in the space, they just use it to produce or store.

    I left the space how it is after a meal. The space is a physical representation of teh food process. The sink is still running, the cabinets are open, the dishes still dirty, all of this is a result of humans. This reflects food production today. From the start, everything we eat is processed. From the fertilizer we use to grow vegetables and fruits, to the chemicals we put in cheese to increase it's lifetime the food today is manipulated. This kitchen (after being used) is similar in the same sense. In the space an ordered list or recipe if performed. It is a process orientated space and the result (the prepared meal) is not even eaten in the space rather moved elsewhere.

    Project 2 Artist Statement- Dana Hatchett

                                                                        Artist Statement         
      Overall, for Project Two I wanted to make a piece that was visually attractive as well as having the film send out an abstract message. The movie is called “Paint” because there is an obvious use of paint and, in particular, the color black. The clip at the beginning of this piece is intended to foreshadow the direction of where the film is going. The rose is used to represent the delicateness of life and hope. At the beginning, the actress is looking at the rose to signify hope. Then the black paint starts to pour and cover the rose, putting weight on the delicate rose.

                The paint on the rose represents the loss of hope. It’s used to signify that sometimes in life, things don’t work out like they should.  The rose can be used as an interpretation of anything fragile, like life, relationships, good times, bad times, etc. The rose was a bit shaky, so sometimes it was difficult to keep the camera in focus at the same time I was holding the bottle of paint and shifting the tripod. Overall, I enjoyed the process of this project.