1. Does each frame represent a single moment in time in a comic? Why or why not? What about in video?
It depends on if there's accompanying sound. It also depends on how long it takes for the eye to gather all the information from the panel. In video, a still frame usually does represent one moment in time.
2. In comics, time and space are “one and the same.” How so? Contrast these strategies with how artists represent space and time in film and video.
Because it takes time for the eye to move across the page, and because all moments of time are visible at once in a comic. In a video, only the present is visible at any given time.
3. How do artists represent space in moving image? How do we know the space is larger? How does an artist elicit claustrophobia on film or video? Provide 2 examples from film or video of how large or small spaces are communicated to the audience.
In a moving image, space is usually represented by movement around an area. The longer it takes to cover an area, the more space we know is there. Claustrophobia is usually elicited through framing. Many establishing shots are wide shots, using scale to give us a sense of space. Similarly, close-ups and extreme close-ups may give us a sense of claustrophobia.
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