Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Project 2 Ideas - Crystal Giraldo

I still haven't come close to putting a solid idea together for this second project, but I think I want it to relate to the way I see myself and my place in the world around me. At the moment, I'm trying to figure what it is I want to portray in my work as an artist (or pretty much just trying to figure out who it is that I am or the type of person I want to be.) I was thinking about executing one of the ideas I had for the first project. The one where I am fresh out of the shower, getting ready for the day and doing the whole self-scrutiny thing as I look at myself in the mirror. Until I come to realization that I perfectly fine the way I am. Another idea I had is to set the scene at my little kitchenette table, with either me or someone else as an actor, as the central character. There are two separate shots being shown simultaneously on the screen (these will be the two separate ends of the table) and one person on one side of the screen is the reality of the situation and the same person is going to be shown on the other side of the screen but they are going to represent the character's subconscious. There is going to be an interaction between the reality character and their subconscious... but I'm not sure what it is going to be yet.

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