Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Project 1 & Artist Statement | Week 5

Project 01 Stop Motion Video | Artist Statement

“Curiosity” By: Vanessa Puello

            My stop motion video is titled “Curiosity”. 384 images were used in order to create my animation. I knew I wanted to incorporate drawings when I was brainstorming ideas, so this led me to experiment with pencil and charcoal drawings during the beginning stages of my project. After multiple trial and error runs, I finally stuck with this “puppet” idea. I decided to use a pencil and started drawing the figures and shapes that I knew I wanted to use in my video on multiple sheets of paper. I cut out each individual shape and made sure I organized them well while I was working. I drew numerous body parts facing multiple angles in order to create the woman and man figures. I also drew multiple oval shapes that represented the “bubbles” these figures came out of. I used my desk in my bedroom as a background, since it was a stable and plain surface that would not distract from the shapes. I also used the natural lighting in my bedroom and did not edit the images.

            I chose to use my drawings in this stop motion project because it amazes me how artists can take a simple canvas, blank piece of paper, or any material and animate it with their visions. With any work that I do, I automatically visualize how I want to manipulate the medium that I use in my mind as I draw. Not only can artists create beautiful images, but their work can also leave powerful messages. Halfway through my process, I was inspired to send a message with my video. As the woman figure leans in to see what is inside the cracked bubble, a male figure appears before her. He leaps out of the bubble and with his fist; he destroys the woman’s body. I find it disgusting that there is still violence in the world, especially towards women and children. What makes me angry is having to feel fear or anxiety whenever I am alone at night outside or if I’m in a bad neighborhood. As a child, I was taught to always be cautious of strangers, especially of men if I ever found myself alone. Just because I am a girl, automatically I appear weaker than men. I wish we lived in a world where you don’t have to be scared to take a walk outside alone at night, or have to worry about being kidnapped.

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