Monday, September 14, 2015

Project 1 Storyboard Ideas | Week 3

After watching examples of stop motion video I was really drawn to the flipbooks. Ideally I would have loved to have made a small little book and have my images moving around, but since I need 300-600 still images I decided to go another route.

My first idea starts off with my hand and a blank notebook in frame. It would then zoom in a little as the pen would tap around the sheet. Two droplets come out from the pen: one becomes a tiny silhouette of a woman while the other seems to have not changed its form. The woman tries to pop the droplet by kicking it at first. After seeing that didn't work, she tries to use different tools (axe, saw, jumping on it etc.) to pop it open and free whatever is inside. After trying many times, the droplet seems to be moving and then pops itself open to reveal another form. The two shapes embrace and then fly away together. I enjoy drawing and this idea makes me excited to start working on this project. So far I am leaning heavily towards this idea. To make things interesting I might zoom in during some parts just so my angles differentiate, but I'm still not sure.

My second idea is my least favorite out of the two. At first I thought it would be interesting if my stop motion video was filmed outdoors. I would want to focus on the lighting changes/sunset but after thinking about how unreliable the weather has been lately, I started lacking interesting in developing this idea further. 

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